
Labour voters in the dark about the party's stance on Brexit, study says

battle David Cameron to keep Britain in the EU enters its final stage on Tuesday amid concerns in the camp remains more needs to be done to woo traditional Labour voters who have been told they do not understand the survey institute party's stance on this issue.

Labour voters in the dark about the party's stance on Brexit, study says

With three weeks before polling day on June 23, Cameron plans to step up the campaign with Labour, Greens, Liberal Democrats and union leaders when he tried to stop the debate rolled into an argument about the Tory party leadership itself.

At the same time, the camp will move campaign Brexit a gear this week as Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London, and Michael Gove, the secretary of justice, appeared together for the first time on a tour of northern England.

A memo from the British campaign Stronger In Europe leaked to the Guardian show that only about half of Labour voters have realized their party is in favor of living in the EU, with the rest think it is divided or believe it is a party Brexit.

Analysis, sent to some Labour MPs, found that focus groups in London, Brighton and Ipswich over the last few weeks show voters a "uniform uncertain" about whether Labour was campaigning to stay in the European Union. They do not know what people think Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn or trust him to stay but "his heart was not in it".

In a sign that Labour argument does not cut into the mainstream, it was revealed that a group of working-class women hesitation in Liverpool largely assumed the party to leave the EU.

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Camp remains concerned because despite polls showing he has an average lead of six points, the same study shows that leave voters may be more enthusiastic and more likely to change on the day. There is particular concern about getting a Labour voter to change because they think it is more likely than the Tories to support stay in.

On Monday, the Prime Minister praised the Sadiq Khan, the newly elected mayor of London, just a few weeks after claiming the mayor unfit for office because of links to Islamic extremists. He describes himself as "a proud Muslim, proud Brit and London pride".

However, Cameron attempts to separate the referendum from his own party and its leadership will be difficult, given that it would have been seen as the biggest gamble of his career, which will decide his future in Downing Street as well as the direction of the country.

With at least three Conservative MPs - Andrew Bridgen, Nadine Dorries and Bill Cash - now warns that Cameron could face a vote of no confidence if England chose to Brexit, the greatest fear Labor is that some voters left wing will not be motivated to give a voice to help keep Cameron in Downing Street.

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Although lawmakers senior Tory majority careful to say they think Cameron should stay as prime minister if the British to go, many campaigns Brexit think the new call for Cameron to go help to fight them because they make him look weak and casts doubt on the judgment.

Johnson and Gove both say they want Cameron to stay in regardless of the outcome. Ken Clarke, the former cabinet minister pro-EU, on Monday that the campaign on leave have, in essence, turned into a leadership campaign for Johnson, who will be a strong candidate to succeed Cameron if the British to Brexit.

Labour has Battlebus own, which will be touring the country over the next few weeks, and John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, who took part in a tour by progressive politicians to make the case for EU membership. He will try to emphasize the Labour Party's own reasons for wanting to stay in the EU, apart from the Conservative campaign.

"Referendum EU is about the relationship of our future with Europe, not who is the next leader of the Tory Party, which is why I think there is a positive case to be made and young people important to hear this for the personal ambitions of different Tory MPs, "he said.

Chuka Umunna, a leading figure in the Labor campaign in, say Labour's voice will be important in ensuring sound to stay in the European Union. "For us on the left and the center-left brings great responsibility. If we do not make sure we win, we'll give people like Farage, Le Pen and Trump - who fight so much of what we believe - the big win. We can not allow this to happen. "

The main permanent campaign will focus on the benefits of living in the European Union for small businesses on Tuesday, with Sajid Javid, the business secretary, claimed that 1.2 million small and medium businesses rely on trade with the EU.

Instead, leave the campaign will focus on immigration, as a new report from MigrationWatch claimed up to half a million refugees and their families could move to England after 2020 because of EU rules on free movement of people.

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