
Where PM had been tetchy, Govey was oh so civilised: QUENTIN LETTS watches as the Brexiteer gives a Prime Ministerial performance

Michael Gove, thick-rimmed glasses like Austin Powers, the sound dark and damp as a goodish Dundee cakes, last night giving the EU debate performance quality nearly the prime minister.
He then - oh no! - Insisting he is really interested in the success of David Cameron. 'I'm not coming, "he said firmly near the end of the debate Sky News.

She was 'absolutely not' considering leadership bids. Normally, of course, we disbelieve anything a politician says about leadership expectations.

They always lie, is not it? But Govey create a denial of ambition so firm, and in front of TV cameras rolling, that it would be difficult for him ever escaped it.

Where PM had been tetchy, Govey was oh so civilised: QUENTIN LETTS watches as the Brexiteer gives a Prime Ministerial performance

Across the country, newly sharpened Righties tattoo 'Gove to PM' on their forehead suddenly had to ask them to pass Staffordshire terrier eraser laser gun.

Brexit campaign is becoming more interesting by the day.
The wind seems to be in camp Spinnakers This leave. The Remainers has caught overstating their case and the public clearly did not like it.

Justice Secretary Gove delivered him exactly the same format as his friend (and rival off) Cameron had done 24 hours earlier.

However, while Cameron became tetchy and repeatedly heckled by the audience, Mr Gove was reasonable, civilized, cheerful, optimistic. Program Cameron is like Anadin prolonged ad: tense, nervous headachey.

Gove affairs has moments of levity. At one point he even started flirting outrageously with female lawyers in the front row. That lass Sarah Vine (aka Mrs. Gove) should be careful!

Yes, he took a few whacks from the studio audience. (By the way - Sky News has not produced the audience is much more balanced than BBC1's Question Time usually manage?)

But even though the audience last night had sharp criticism of Mr Gove, attack them feel less pointed, less personal, less revenge than those in Cameron the night before.

Maybe it is because DC is PM and is therefore a MM (marked man).

But maybe that was because Mr Gove is a skilled debater, listen to the questions and appeared as somewhat less patronizing.

You can never imagine Michael Gove nice bite Kate Garraway on the ITV breakfast television, as happened yesterday with Mr Cameron.

Before the event started, Sky nobleman Adam Boulton did some pre-match interview in which he said there was a danger of Mr Gove seemed like a 'swivel-eyed loon'.

He also described the Minister of Justice as 'true fanatic anti-European'. Perhaps the word 'enthusiast' has not been fair?

Sky political editor Faisal Islam, so brutal with the Prime Minister on Thursday, once again has first dibs on the guest of honor.

Mr Islam, until now one of the lighter counterparts in Westminster, has been clearly on the Shredded Wheat lately.

He was excited saws and began to press against Mr Gove's shins. She ripped off her top campaign Cuti claims that the £ 350million week our money goes to the EU. Mr Gove maintain it as much as possible.

The young Faisal scored enough runs to Mr Gove rose to his personal story - how Aberdeen fish-merchant father had lost his business as a result of the EU and how the 24 workers have thus lost their jobs.

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