

Hello guys I theTRUTHvxv of Slaughterhouse and today I will give you my amazing Mortar Rocket Miner deck that makes me to 3700+ trophies so far!

There are several paths to take depending on the composition of the enemy to win. It is mainly the game the Tower or drawing; Therefore, this deck is for committed players willing to claw their way up the stairs.


  • Most opponents are not well versed in effective against mortar
  • Good deals on deck Elixir
  • Sparky closed the game
  • Decent vs Giant and Royal Giant push
  • Able to hold against air deck
  • The struggle against the cheap and fast deck
  • You have to cope with a 1-Crown victory and Attractive

General Gameplan

With this deck, you can immediately start the game by dropping Mortar and has enough Elixir to drop 3 or 4 Elixir counter to counter them. Throughout the game, switching between inline placement and mid-maps Mortar Mortar placement depends on the unit against them (melee or range).

If the mortar is not available, you can start with a simple Miner in front of the Tower of them to force their play. If you have free Goblin Spear, which is not required in the deck against them, and you are not under Elixir, put Miner tower behind them and followed immediately with Goblins Spear to do bonus damage.

If you are not required Skeleton Army against their deck, followed by Army Skeleton Miner do major damage if they had been using the Area-of-Effect (AOE) their ability to resist Princess or Spear Goblins.

Musketeer you generally will follow up to make heavy damage vs. what they fight you with a Mortar. It probably will take damage, but if they persist, you Miner drop tower behind them just before he entered the range of their tower. This allows him to do great damage to the Tower them even with minimal health. It's all about maximizing damage output per Elixir spent. Miner tanking strategy is working well with the remnants of whatever was left of the game like wounded Goblin Spear and the rest of the Skull.

Rocket: Once they put them behind Tower Sparky them, your rockets to be fired to destroy the Tower while damaging them. Do not waste your Rocket on Elixir pump until you know they do not have Sparky (or 3 Musketeers). Evenso, you simply destroy the pump with Rocket if it will ruin your main target Tower. If not, you can damage them pesky pump with Miner you to distract them while Princess game flow or Mortar does not work on the main target Tower.

The Skeleton Army is a multi-use counter to Giant, giant Royal, Hog Rider, P.E.K.K.A., P.E.K.K.A. Mini, Prince, etc. surprisingly works well even encircling bowler and barbaric when in range of your tower. Framework also do well against Sparky gets by. Make sure you drop directly on the Skeleton Army so individual frames surround the enemy and not all take the regional damage at once.

The Miner is a follow up to the tank unit against the rest of you. It is also used to damage and disrupt Elixir pump and behind the enemy tanks to eliminate single-unit various enemies (witches, ranged units, etc.)

Mortaring while intoxicated

If the opponent drops tank tower behind them, directly drop Mortar your map to begin mid tower ruin them before they got within range tanks. You want to deal as much damage as possible their tower, because you might take some of their push. encourage your table with Miner and leftovers should be able to eek out more damage at the end of it all. You are also likely to cycle back to your Mortar before they could drop their next tank because the deck is pretty cheap.

Against Lava Hound

This deck can hold. It just takes practice. If the opponent dropping lava hound, soon dropped Mortar middle of the map (see mortaring vs tanking above) to start the damage on their Tower. You will usually want your musketeers to be placed behind the Tower you and your daughter on the other side (to say of distress) to deal AOE damage to any mob henchman and puppies lava. If they follow the ground or Miner, drop your Skeleton Army to save the unit and cons. Drop your arrow if you have them and drop Miner lava hound you down just before the break into the puppy to take the dog damage.

If they follow their Lava Hound with balloons or mega Minion, you should receive an initial damage from lava dogs and positioning ranges to ensure your unit is targeting the best units first, because the lava dog does not do much damage on his own.

Against Inferno Towers, Cannons, etc.

This will usually be the same trade and you can just drop Miner Tower behind them to do some damage. If you Elixir maxes out, drop daughter to do some damage safe while waiting to push them. You will usually be able to cycle back to your Mortar before they get their buildings again. If not, use your Mortar as they enter the tank when the unit ranges Tower, can usually get a shot off on their tower before it disappears as you destroy their attacks. This deck is all about eking out a victory Tower.


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