
EU referendum: UK votes to leave in historic referendum

Britain has been selected by 52% to 48% to leave the EU after 43 years in an historic referendum.
London and Scotland as strong to stay in the EU but still people have been marred by poor results in the north of England.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage praised the outcome as "independence day" England.
The pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 as the market reacted to the results.

Referendum voters was 71.8% - with more than 30 million people voted - the highest turnout in elections UK since 1992.

Wales and the majority of the UK outside London voted in large numbers for Brexit.
Labour shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the Bank of England may need to intervene to prop up the pound, which lost 3% in the first moments of the results show strong results to Leave at Sunderland and was down by 6.5% against the euro.

'Independence Day'
UKIP leader Nigel Farage - who have been campaigning for 20 years for the UK to leave the EU - told supporters "would be a victory for ordinary people, for the people who are worthy".

Mr Farage - is estimated Stay victory early in the evening after the polls indicate that will happen - Thursday, June 23 will "go down in history as the day of our independence".

He asked the Prime Minister David Cameron, who called the referendum but campaigned vigorously for Fixed voice, to stop "immediately".

EU referendum: UK votes to leave in historic referendum

A Labour source said: "If we choose to leave, Cameron should seriously consider his position."
But pro-Leave Conservatives including Boris Johnson and Michael Gove has signed a letter to Mr Cameron urging him to stay on whatever the result.

Labour former Europe Minister Keith Vaz told  that the British people have voted with "emotion" and dismissed suggestions from experts who have warned about the economic impact of leaving the European Union.

He said the EU had to call an emergency meeting to deal with after the vote, which he described as a "disaster for our country, for the rest of Europe and to the rest of the world".
process exit

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that the voice of the European Union "made it clear that the people of Scotland see their future as part of the EU" after all 32 local authority areas to stay back in the majority.

London has decided to stay in the European Union about 60% to 40%.
However, no other area of England has voted in favor of remaining.
Referendums have highlighted the social and cultural gap between London and the English provinces.
Fixed defeat seems to have been mainly a product of decisions made by voters who live in the north of the M4.

Throughout the Midlands and North of England and the level of support to stay far below what is required for it to win at least 50% of the vote in the UK as a whole.

Britain will be the first country to leave the European Union since its creation - but the sound off will not necessarily mean Britain ceases to be a member of the 28-nation bloc.

That process could take at least two years, with campaigns Leave suggested during the referendum campaign that does not have to be completed until 2020 - the scheduled date of the next general election.

The prime minister must decide when to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which would leave England two years to negotiate a withdrawal.

After Article 50 has triggered a state is not able to rejoin without the consent of all member states.
Cameron has previously said he would trigger Article 50 as soon as possible after the leave but Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, who led the campaign for the British exit from the EU has said he does not need to rush into it.

But they also say they want to make changes immediately before England actually leave the EU, such as limiting the power of the European Union judges and restrict the free movement of workers, potentially breaking the British treaty obligations.

The government will also have to negotiate future trade relations with the EU and improve trade deals with countries non-EU.

In Whitehall and Westminster, there is now going to start a big task unstitching England of more than 40 years of EU law, decided directives and regulations to maintain, modify or ditch.

Leave argued during the campaign four months of bitter referendum campaign that the only way Britain could "take back control" their own affairs will leave the EU.

Leave dismissed warnings from economists and international bodies about the economic impact of Brexit as "unrest" by a self-serving elite.

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